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Thread: Late Arrival

  1. #1
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    Boeing Late Arrival

    Hi everyone,
    I'm new to cockpit building, but not to aviation. I've been flying a Saitek desktop setup a few years now on FSX but I've recently moved over to P3D. I obtained my PPL on 12/12/12 and currently working on my instrument rating and then eventually my CPL and CFI-I.
    My end goal is to build a replica cockpit of a Boeing 7x7 series (I'm undecided as to which exact model I will build), in the meantime I plan on replicating a C172 as that's what I train on in real life. Using P3D, a bunch of networked PCs and some Arduinos...and lots of beer, coding and wiring I hope to have a fully functional 1:1 replica cockpit(s).

    The idea that's been in my head for a little while now, which is of course subject to change is to have an outer shell which would essentially be the outside world. This is what the projector would use as it's "screen". Ideally, you would then be able to swap out "cores" which would be the individual cockpits (i.e. 737, ERJ, C172, B58, etc....)

    It's a lot of planning and work involved but I think the outcome will be worth it.

    Look forward to sharing my cockpit building adventures with all of you.

  2. #2
    Executive Assistant Geremy Britton's Avatar
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    Re: Late Arrival

    Welcome to the forum!
    Geremy Britton
    Executive Assistant, MyCockpit Inc
    Head of GLB Flight Products

  3. #3
    300+ Forum Addict Avro748's Avatar
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    Re: Late Arrival

    Just as a suggestion for what to put in place of the X, maybe a 0? It would be really cool to see one of those.