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Thread: MCP lockup

  1. #1
    25+ Posting Member stefanloss's Avatar
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    MCP lockup

    Hi everyone,

    during my last flights, I´ve had my MCP (Build 422) locking up several times. Though adding qite some tension to the flight, it´s not really funny to re-stat the MCP-Software during an online-controlled approach.

    Has anyone encountered the same kind of problem?

    I´m not sure whether the problem lies within the MCP-Software itself or if I am simply running too many programs on this PC, but I will try using an earlier build for now.
    Stefan Loss
    Cologne, Germany

    Engravity, Project Magenta Full Boeing Software

  2. #2
    300+ Forum Addict David Rogers's Avatar
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    Stefan - I was suffering this last week - and I eventually discovered that it was the power lead that goes into my hardware MCP, that was partially unplugged and hence, cutting out occasionally.

    I know this may not be your problem but worth a check.
    David R
    Durham, England

    1979 Mooney M20J Cockpit builder ......

  3. #3
    25+ Posting Member stefanloss's Avatar
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    Thanks David,

    in fact the problem is more likely to lie within the MCP software. I downgraded to Build 420, which has been running for several hours now without any problems.

    I´ll write a few lines to the PM staff on that.
    Stefan Loss
    Cologne, Germany

    Engravity, Project Magenta Full Boeing Software