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Thread: Any wiring posts?
07-04-2008, 08:53 PM #1
Any wiring posts?
Hey all, I have been looking around for some posts or links on how to wire up switches and perhaps even an led with the switch. I am no electrician but can read instructions I'm looking at making my own basic overhead panel that I could use with fs2004. When I say basic I mean It would be used with level D 767/wilco 737-400 and have the main switches or pushbuttons I would need (fuel panel, Aircon packs, electrical panel, starters and lights etc. I have no idea where to start or what wire needs to go where or attach to what? I know I will need a SIMBOARD or 2 and the actual switch/button and associated wire but thats all I know. Anyone know of a thread or link or personal help that could get me started? Much appreciated for any help.
07-04-2008, 11:34 PM #2
wiring and interfacing
good day captain.......
ok, look at my website on the overhead page
there is so much info and wiring diagrams there, it just might give you a head start.
my best advice is first decide how you want to interface with the sim and then work on one switch at a time until you get confident. then expand that to one panel at a time and before you know it, you'll be up and running.
also get your self a small electronics design program like TinyCad so you can draw out circuits before you actually use a soldering iron. it's going to save you so many headaches. i use it all the time .
hope that gives you some help and encouragement.
regards .... ian
07-05-2008, 02:10 AM #3
Thanks for the reply and link Ian. Looks like some great help on those pages. I'm thinking of using push buttons that have a small led in them already. That way when they are pressed the led comes on and goes out when the button is pressed again. Will those type of buttons work aswell?
07-05-2008, 07:06 PM #4
Simboards :)
I have had a look at the Simboards website and they really do seem like the way to go for ease of use. I don't really want to programme too much if I can help it. Reading the info about the boards on the site, it seems I should be able to simply wire a switch to the board and the board to my PC (usb) and use the software to tell flightsim what the switch is to do. Then repeat that exercise for the rest of the switches and buttons and hey presto! I'm just wondering if I could use pushbuttons with led's built into them as this would be perfect for the level D 767-300.
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