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  1. #1
    Tobias Oellinger

    Weather in Boing ND


    did i understand it correctly ? It is not possible to show the the normal FS
    Weather in the ND. I need WhatsUP Plus and this needs always an online
    connection ?

    Thanx for some info in advance!

    Best regards,


  2. #2
    Steven White

    Weather in Boing ND

    I think I can answer that one. I started using whazzup plus myself just
    tonight. The FS weather cannot be displayed in the ND therfore you do need
    Whazzup Plus. I shutdown Whazzup after the weather was drawn and it stayed on
    the ND, it won't update as conditions change or if you fly out of the area
    containing the weather in the ND unless you connect to the internet again of

    It looks like it has about a 1000nm range for it's download(?) so it doesn't
    need to update often.

    Oh, and it always displays the current weather so you can't see the weather
    from yesterday on it.


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