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Thread: phidgets 64 led

  1. #11
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    Re: phidgets 64 led

    Lol So i missunderstood you i thought you were talking about fs2phidgets. Yes I am running the newest fsuipc. It seems the problem i am having now is with the lights.I have most of them going there are a few i need help with, if anyone knows how i assign these to make them work would be great.
    Le flaps transit, Le flaps ext, A/P p/rst , A/T p/rst, FMC, Below G/S, P. inhibit, Auto break disarm, Anti skip inhop, Stab out off trim.

    these are the only ones have seem to not find. Also have gear lights working but they dont go quit in order going from green to red. any help would be great in this part. Thank you very much Alan for all the help you have given and Holclo and jbaymore. Becasue of you guys it is possible for people who dont know alot to get things done. Thank you Jeffrey

  2. #12
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    Re: phidgets 64 led


    One of the issues with flight sim is that variables for all of the various aircraft systems have NOT been modeled as "stabndard" by Microsoft. I can't make suggestions here for your case because I am a fs2004 user. So I don't know what "stock" variables might have been added to FSX. But stuff like leading edge status is not something that is routinely available in fs2004.

    Add-on aircraft makers oftern create thjeir own systems "outside" the core FS sim engine. Thes usually are not "available" to monitor.

    To get those functions, you might have to do some FS2Phidget variable creation and use something that IS monitored (accessible via FSUIPC) to "fake" the correct lights coming on at the right times.



  3. #13
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    Re: phidgets 64 led


    I am in same position as John. Also a FS2004 user.
    For LEDs I created an FS Variable from the LEFT_FLAP_DEFLECTION and set the lo and hi values to be less than the full range of travel. The LEDs in the B737 tend to track the trailing edge devices fairly closely so this is an option.
    Admittedly, the real aircraft have separate hydraulic systems. Not sure if FSX emulates this. Would be nice - one could then set up interesting failure conditions - stuck LEDs, inop LEDS, asymmetric extension and/or retraction, etc.

    Hopefully, a kind soul will volunteer to send you their INI file.


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