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  1. #251
    300+ Forum Addict RobiD's Avatar
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    Re: Progamming help with FSBus dll

    One problem I do have with the code for the MCP is that when I select the speed hold button, it holds the speed, but engine one shuts down.

    I can restart it and then it stays on and it's then under the control of the autopilot.

    Not sure what is triggering this in the code.

    Any ideas.

    Other than this, the code seems to be doing everything it should.


  2. #252
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    Re: Progamming help with FSBus dll

    Can you post the code of the Speed Hold button?

  3. #253
    300+ Forum Addict RobiD's Avatar
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    Re: Progamming help with FSBus dll

    Here's the code.

    There is a lot of unecessary stuff I've commented out.

    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "modecontrolpanel.h"
    // static variables: accessible by all functions in this module
    static   int    ActAlt           = 0;           // actual altitude
    static   int    Airspeed         = 0;           // knots
    static   int    AirspeedHold     = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   int    AltitudeLock     = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   int    Altitude         = 0;           // feet
    static   int    AltitudeSave     = 0;           // feet
    static   int    ApproachHold     = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   int    APHeading        = 0;           // 0..359 degrees)
    static   int    AutoThrottleArm  = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   int    MachHold         = 0;           //
    static   int    MachSpeed        = 0;           // 0 spd, 1 mach
    static   int    MasterAP         = 0;           // 0 off, 1 on
    static   int    ValFlightDir     = 0;           // 0:  ??
                                                    // 1:  ??
                                                    // 2:  ??
                                                    // 3:  ??
                                                    // 4:  ??
    static   int    Cmda             = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   int    Cmdb             = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   int    Cwsa             = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   int    Cwsb             = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   int    CockpitATArmed   = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   int    Course           = 0;           // 0..359 degrees)
    static   int    Disengage        = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   short  Engine1N1        = 0;           // units: percent
    static   short  Engine1N2        = 0;           // units: percent
    static   int    EngN1            = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   int    FSATArmed        = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   int    HeadingLock      = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   int    LvlChg           = 0;           // 0 off, -1 on
    static   int    Mach             = 0;           // 0.01 units
    static   int    Vertspeed        = 0;           // feet/min
    static   int    VertspeedHold    = 0;           // 0 off, -1
    static	int		apalt			= 0;
    /*-------------- Build Glareshield Objects --------------- */
    void cbModecontrolpanelBuildObjects()
    	MkFsbusObject(BTP_DISPLAY, C_DCOURSEL,	"",cbModecontrolpanel, 20, 0);
    	MkFsbusObject(BTP_DISPLAY, C_DCOURSER,	"",cbModecontrolpanel, 26, 0);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_DISPLAY, C_DIAS,		"",cbModecontrolpanel, 21, 0);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_DISPLAY, C_DHEADING,	"",cbModecontrolpanel, 22, 0);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_DISPLAY, C_DALTITUDE,	"",cbModecontrolpanel, 23, 0);
    	MkFsbusObject(BTP_DISPLAY, C_DVSPEED,	"",cbModecontrolpanel, 24, 0);
    	DisplayOptions(C_DCOURSEL,  3, 0, TRUE, 0);
        DisplayOptions(C_DCOURSER,  3, 0, TRUE, 0);
        DisplayOptions(C_DIAS,      4, 0, TRUE, 0);
        DisplayOptions(C_DHEADING,  3, 0, TRUE, 0);
        DisplayOptions(C_DALTITUDE, 5, 0, TRUE, 0);
        DisplayOptions(C_DVSPEED,   5, 0, TRUE, 0);
    	MkFsbusObject(BTP_ROTARY, C_RCOURSELR,	"",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 32);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_ROTARY, C_RIAS,		"",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 34);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_ROTARY, C_RHEADING,	"",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 36);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_ROTARY, C_RALTITUDE,	"",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 0);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_ROTARY, C_RVSPEED,	"",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 2);
    	MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SFLIGHTDIRL,      "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 39);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SFLIGHTDIRR,      "",cbModecontrolpanel, 7, 58);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SAUTOTHROTTLEARM, "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 38);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SN1,              "",cbModecontrolpanel, 7, 12);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SSPDHLD,          "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 56);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SSPDINTV,         "",cbModecontrolpanel, 7, 46);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SCHANGEOVER,      "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 58);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SVNAV,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 61);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SLNAV,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 62);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SLVLCHG,          "",cbModecontrolpanel, 7, 10);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SHEADINGLOCK,     "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 57);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SVORLOC,          "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 60);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SAPP,             "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 59);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SALTHLD,          "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 4);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SALTINTV,         "",cbModecontrolpanel, 7, 28);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SVSPEEDHLD,       "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 5);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SCMDA,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 6);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SCMDB,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 7, 56);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SCWSA,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 7, 62);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SCWSB,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 7, 57);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_IN,   C_SAPDISENGAGE,     "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 7);
    	MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LFLIGHTDIRL,      "",cbModecontrolpanel, 8, 34);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LFLIGHTDIRR,      "",cbModecontrolpanel, 8, 63);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LMASTFLIGHTL,     "",cbModecontrolpanel, 8, 33);
    	MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LMASTFLIGHTR,     "",cbModecontrolpanel, 8, 44);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LATARMED,         "",cbModecontrolpanel, 27, 11);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LN1,              "",cbModecontrolpanel, 8, 35);
    	MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LAIRSPEEDHOLD,    "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 9);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LVNAV,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 11);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LLNAV,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 8, 57);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LLVLCHG,          "",cbModecontrolpanel, 8, 37);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LHEADINGLOCK,     "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 10);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LVORLOC,          "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 12);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LAPP,             "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 13);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LALTITUDELOCK,    "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 8);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LVSPEEDHLD,       "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 14);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LCMDA,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 28, 15);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LCMDB,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 8, 42);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LCWSA,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 8, 40);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LCWSB,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 9, 47);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LAPDISENGAGEL,    "",cbModecontrolpanel, 9, 61);
        MkFsbusObject(BTP_D_OUT,  C_LAPDISENGAGER,    "",cbModecontrolpanel, 9, 62);
    	MkFsObject(FS_ALTITUDE,           "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x0574, 4,  TP_I32,   FS_NORMAL);
    	MkFsObject(FS_AP_MASTER,          "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07BC, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
    //  MkFsObject(FS_AP_WINGLEVELER,     "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07C0, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NONE);
        MkFsObject(FS_AP_NAV1LOCK,        "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07C4, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_AP_HEADINGLOCK,     "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07C8, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_AP_HEADING,         "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07CC, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_AP_ALTITUDELOCK,    "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07D0, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_AP_ALTITUDE,        "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07D4, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
    //  MkFsObject(FS_AP_ATTITUDEHOLD,    "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07D8, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_AP_AIRSPEEDHOLD,    "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07DC, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_AP_AIRSPEED,        "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07E2, 2,  TP_UI16,  FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_AP_MACHHOLD,        "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07E4, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_AP_MACH,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07E8, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_AP_VSHOLD,          "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07EC, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_AP_VS,              "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07F2, 2,  TP_I16,   FS_NORMAL);
    //  MkFsObject(FS_AP_RPMHOLD,         "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07F4, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
    //  MkFsObject(FS_AP_RPM,             "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07FA, 2,  TP_UI16,  FS_NORMAL);
    //  MkFsObject(FS_AP_GLIDESLOPEHOLD,  "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x07FC, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_AP_APPROACHHOLD,    "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x0800, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
    //  MkFsObject(FS_AP_BCHOLD,          "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x0804, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_AUTOTHROTTLEARM,    "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x0810, 4,  TP_UI32,  FS_NORMAL);
        //MkFsObject(FS_NAV1OBS,            "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x0C4E, 2,  TP_I16,   FS_NONE);
        MkFsObject(FS_FLIGHTDIRECTOR,     "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x2EE0, 4,  TP_I32,   FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_ENGINE1N2,          "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x0896, 2,  TP_I16,   FS_NORMAL);
        MkFsObject(FS_ENGINE1N1,          "",cbModecontrolpanel, 0x0898, 2,  TP_I16,   FS_NORMAL);
    void  cbModecontrolpanel (int oid, int val, double dval)
    	int x;
        switch (oid)
    	case C_RCOURSELR:
                Course -= val;
                while (Course > 360) 
                    Course -= 360; 
                while (Course <= 0) 
                    Course += 360;
                FsWrite(FS_NAV1OBS, Course); 
                FsbusWrite(C_DCOURSEL, Course); 
                FsbusWrite(C_DCOURSER, Course);
            case C_RIAS:
                if (MachSpeed == 0)
                    Airspeed -= val;
                    if (Airspeed < 100) 
                        Airspeed = 100;
                    if (Airspeed > 340) 
                        Airspeed = 340;
                    FsWrite(FS_AP_AIRSPEED, Airspeed); 
                    FsbusWrite(C_DIAS, Airspeed);
                    Mach -= val;
                    if (Mach > 70)
                        Mach = 70;
                    if (Mach < 10)
                        Mach = 10;
                    FsWrite(FS_AP_MACH, Mach * 65536 / 100);
                    FsbusWrite(C_DIAS, Mach);
            case C_RHEADING: 
                APHeading -= val; 
                while (APHeading > 360) 
                    APHeading -= 360;
                while (APHeading <= 0) 
                    APHeading += 360; 
                x = (APHeading % 360) * 65536 / 360 + 1; 
                FsWrite(FS_AP_HEADING, x); 
                FsbusWrite(C_DHEADING, APHeading); 
            case C_RALTITUDE:
    			  apalt += val*100;
    			  if (apalt < 0)
    				  apalt = 0;
    			  if (apalt > 39000)
    				  apalt = 39000;
    			  FsbusWrite (C_DALTITUDE, apalt);
    			  FsWrite(FS_AP_ALTITUDE, apalt*19975);
                /*Altitude += val * 10000 / 100; 
                FsbusWrite(C_DALTITUDE, Altitude);
    			FsWrite(FS_AP_ALTITUDE, Altitude); 
            case C_RVSPEED:
                Vertspeed += val * 10000 / 100;
                if (Vertspeed < -7600)
                    Vertspeed = -7600; 
                if (Vertspeed > 6000)
                    Vertspeed = 6000; 
                FsbusWrite(C_DVSPEED, Vertspeed);
    			FsWrite(FS_AP_VS, Vertspeed); 			 
    		case C_SFLIGHTDIRL:
    				if (val == 0)  				{
    					 printf("DIRL0, val=%d\n", val);
    					FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRL, 1);
    					FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTL, 1);
    					FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRL, 0);
    					FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTL, 0);
    					FsWrite(FS_FLIGHTDIRECTOR, 0);
            /*case C_SFLIGHTDIRL:
    			    if (val == 0) {
                    printf("C_SFLIGHTDIRL event, ValFlightDir=%d\n", ValFlightDir);
    				if (ValFlightDir == 0)
    //                  printf("DIRL0, val=%d\n", val);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRL, 1);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTL, 1);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRR, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTR, 0);
                        ValFlightDir  = 1;
                    else if (ValFlightDir == 1)
    //                  printf("DIRL1, val=%d\n", val);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRL, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTL, 0);
                        FsWrite(FS_FLIGHTDIRECTOR, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTR, 0);
                        ValFlightDir  = 0;
                    else if (ValFlightDir == 2)
    //                  printf("DIRL2, val=%d\n", val);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRL, 1);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTL, 0);
                        FsWrite(FS_FLIGHTDIRECTOR, 1);
                        ValFlightDir  = 4;
                    else if (ValFlightDir == 3)
    //                  printf("DIRL3, val=%d\n", val);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRL, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTL, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTR, 1);
                        FsWrite(FS_FLIGHTDIRECTOR, 1);
                        ValFlightDir  = 2;
                    else if (ValFlightDir == 4)
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRL, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTL, 0);
                        ValFlightDir  = 2;
            /*case C_SFLIGHTDIRR:
                if (val == 0) {
                             if (ValFlightDir == 0)
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRR, 1);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTR, 1);
                        FsWrite(FS_FLIGHTDIRECTOR, 1);
                        ValFlightDir  = 2;
                    else if (ValFlightDir == 1)
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRR, 1);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTR, 0);
                        FsWrite(FS_FLIGHTDIRECTOR, 1);
                        ValFlightDir  = 3;
                    else if  (ValFlightDir == 2)
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRR, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTR, 0);
                        FsWrite(FS_FLIGHTDIRECTOR, 0);
                        ValFlightDir  = 0;
                    else if (ValFlightDir == 3)
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRR, 0);
                        ValFlightDir  = 1;
                    else if  (ValFlightDir == 4)
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRR, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTR, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTL, 1);
                        ValFlightDir = 1;
            case C_SAUTOTHROTTLEARM:
                CockpitATArmed = (val == 0) ? 1 : 0;
                if (bSynchronised) // pass only when in sync
                    FsWrite(FS_AUTOTHROTTLEARM, (val == 0) ? 1 : 0);
                FsbusWrite(C_LATARMED, CockpitATArmed);
                if (CockpitATArmed == 0)
                    AirspeedHold = 0;
                    MachHold = 0;
            case C_SN1:
                if ((val == 0) & (CockpitATArmed == 1))             {                                                                                                                                      
                    EngN1 = (EngN1 == 0) ? 1 : 0; 
                    if (MachSpeed == 0)
                        FsWrite(FS_AP_AIRSPEEDHOLD, EngN1); 
                        FsWrite(FS_AP_MACHHOLD, EngN1);
                    if (EngN1 == 1)
                        AirspeedHold = 0;
                    FsbusWrite(C_LN1, EngN1);
                    FsbusWrite(C_LAIRSPEEDHOLD, AirspeedHold);
                    FsWrite(FS_ENGINE1N1, EngN1);
                    FsWrite(FS_ENGINE1N2, EngN1);
            case C_SSPDHLD:
                if ( (val == 0) && (CockpitATArmed == 1) ) 
                    AirspeedHold = (AirspeedHold == 0) ? 1 : 0; 
                    FsbusWrite(C_LAIRSPEEDHOLD, AirspeedHold);
                    if (AirspeedHold == 1)
                        EngN1 = 0;
                        FsbusWrite(C_LN1, EngN1);
                        if (MachSpeed == 0)
                            FsWrite(FS_AP_AIRSPEEDHOLD, 1);
                            FsWrite(FS_AP_MACHHOLD, 1);
                        FsWrite(FS_AP_AIRSPEEDHOLD, 0);
                        FsWrite(FS_AP_MACHHOLD, 0);
                    FsWrite(FS_ENGINE1N1, EngN1);
                    FsWrite(FS_ENGINE1N2, EngN1);
            case C_SSPDINTV:
            case C_SCHANGEOVER:
                if (val == 0) 
                    MachSpeed = (MachSpeed == 0) ? 1 : 0;
                    if (MachSpeed == 1) 
                        DisplayOptions(C_DIAS, 3, 0, TRUE, 3);
                        FsbusWrite(C_DIAS, Mach);
                        FsWrite(FS_AP_MACHHOLD, 1);
                        DisplayOptions(C_DIAS, 4, 0, FALSE, 0); // Fsbus bug (p5=0)
                        FsbusWrite(C_DIAS, Airspeed);
                        FsWrite (FS_AP_AIRSPEEDHOLD, 1);
            case C_SVNAV:
            case C_SLNAV:
            case C_SLVLCHG:
                if ((val == 0)  &&  
    					(abs(ActAlt - Altitude) > 200)  &&  					((AirspeedHold == 1) || (EngN1 == 1)))
    					LvlChg = (LvlChg == 0) ? 1 : 0; 
                    if (LvlChg == 1) 
                        AltitudeLock = 0; // off
                        FsWrite(FS_AP_ALTITUDELOCK, LvlChg); // activate
                        x = Altitude * 65536 / 100 * 3048; // in meters * 65536
                        AltitudeSave = Altitude; // save for AltInt
                        FsWrite(FS_AP_ALTITUDE, x * 19975);
                        FsWrite(FS_AP_VSHOLD, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LLVLCHG, LvlChg); // sync lvl change
                        if (ActAlt < Altitude) // climbing
                            EngN1 = 0; // force N1 off
                            //EventHandler(C_SN1, 0, 0); // toggle -> on
                            FsWrite(FS_AP_VS, 800); // default climb speed
                        else // descending
                            AirspeedHold = 0; // force IAS off
                            FsWrite(FS_AP_VS, -800); // default desc. speed
                    else // no level change
                        AltitudeLock = 1; // on
                        FsbusWrite(C_LLVLCHG, LvlChg); // lvl-swtch
                    FsbusWrite(C_LALTITUDELOCK, AltitudeLock); // update altitude lock
            case C_SHEADINGLOCK:
                if (val == 0) // button push only
                    HeadingLock = (HeadingLock == 0) ? 1 : 0; // toggle
                    FsWrite(FS_AP_HEADINGLOCK, HeadingLock);
            case C_SVORLOC:
            case C_SAPP:
                if (val == 0) // button push only
                    ApproachHold = (ApproachHold == 0) ? 1 : 0; // toggle
                    FsWrite(FS_AP_APPROACHHOLD, ApproachHold);
            case C_SALTHLD:
                if (val == 0)
                    AltitudeLock = (AltitudeLock == 0) ? 1 : 0; // toggle
                    FsWrite(FS_AP_ALTITUDELOCK, AltitudeLock);
                    printf("C_SALTHLD AltitudeLock=%d\n", AltitudeLock);
                    FsbusWrite(C_LALTITUDELOCK, AltitudeLock);
            case C_SALTINTV:
                if (val == 0) // button push only
                    if (AltitudeSave != Altitude) // changed by pilot
                        AltitudeSave = Altitude; // save for AltInt
                        x = Altitude * 65536 / 10000 * 3048; // in meters * 65536
                    else // unchanged
                        AltitudeSave = ActAlt; // save for AltInt
                        x = (ActAlt + 50) / 100 * 100; // round to 100
                        x = x * 65536 / 10000 * 3048; // in meters * 65536
                        AltitudeLock = 1;
                        FsbusWrite(C_LALTITUDELOCK, AltitudeLock);
                        LvlChg = 0;
                        FsbusWrite(C_LLVLCHG, LvlChg);
                    FsWrite(FS_AP_ALTITUDE, x); // new AP altitude
            case C_SVSPEEDHLD:
                if (val == 0) // button push only
                    VertspeedHold = (VertspeedHold == 0) ? 1 : 0; // toggle
                    FsWrite(FS_AP_VSHOLD, VertspeedHold);
            case C_SCMDA:
                if ((val==0) && (Disengage == 0)) // button push only
                    Cmda = (Cmda == 0) ? 1 : 0; // toggle
                    if (Cmda == 0)
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCMDA, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCMDA, 1);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCMDB, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCWSA, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCWSB, 0);
                        FsWrite(FS_AP_MASTER, 1);
            case C_SCMDB:
                if ((val==0) && (Disengage == 0)) // button push only
                   Cmdb = (Cmdb == 0) ? 1 : 0; // toggle
                    if (Cmdb == 0)
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCMDB, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCMDB, 1);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCWSA, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCWSB, 0);
                        FsWrite(FS_AP_MASTER, 1);
           case C_SCWSA:
               if ((val==0) && (Disengage == 0)) // button push only
                   Cwsa = (Cwsa == 0) ? 1 : 0; // toggle
                   if (Cwsa == 0)
                       FsbusWrite(C_LCWSA, 0);
                       FsbusWrite(C_LCMDA, 0);
                       FsbusWrite(C_LCMDB, 0);
                       FsbusWrite(C_LCWSA, 1);
                       FsbusWrite(C_LCWSB, 0);
                       FsWrite(FS_AP_MASTER, 1);
            case C_SCWSB:
                if ((val==0) && (Disengage == 0)) 
                    Cwsb = (Cwsb == 0) ? 1 : 0; // toggle
                    if (Cwsb == 0)
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCWSB, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCMDA, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCMDB, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCWSA, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCWSB, 1);
                        FsWrite(FS_AP_MASTER, 1);
            case C_SAPDISENGAGE:
                if (val==0) 
                    Disengage = (Disengage == 0) ? 1 : 0; // toggle
                    if (Disengage == 0)
                        FsbusWrite(C_LAPDISENGAGEL, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LAPDISENGAGER, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LAPDISENGAGEL, 1);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LAPDISENGAGER, 1);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCMDA, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCMDB, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCWSA, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LCWSB, 0);
                        FsWrite(FS_AP_MASTER, 0);
            case FS_AP_MASTER:
            case FS_AP_WINGLEVELER:
            case FS_AP_NAV1LOCK:
            case FS_AP_HEADINGLOCK:
                HeadingLock = val;
                FsbusWrite(C_LHEADINGLOCK, val);
            case FS_AP_HEADING:
                APHeading = (val + 1) * 360 / 65536; // (+1 for rounding)
                if (APHeading == 0)
                    APHeading = 360;
                FsbusWrite(C_DHEADING, APHeading);
            case FS_NAV1OBS:
                Course = val;
                if (Course == 0)
                    Course = 360;
                FsbusWrite(C_DCOURSEL, Course);
                FsbusWrite(C_DCOURSER, Course);
            case FS_AP_ALTITUDELOCK:
                AltitudeLock = val;
                FsbusWrite(C_LALTITUDELOCK, val);
            case FS_AP_ALTITUDE:
                Altitude = (val / 3048 * 2500 + 8192) / 16384; // to feet
                FsbusWrite(C_DALTITUDE, Altitude);
            case FS_ALTITUDE:
                ActAlt = val * 10000 / 3048; // to feet
                if ((ActAlt > 25500) && (ActAlt < 26500)) 
                    if ((MachSpeed == 0) && (ActAlt > 26000))
                    else if ((MachSpeed == 1) && (ActAlt < 26000))
                if (abs(Altitude - ActAlt) < 10)
                    LvlChg = 0;
                    FsbusWrite (C_LLVLCHG , LvlChg);
                    FsbusWrite (C_LALTITUDELOCK , 1);
            case FS_AP_AIRSPEEDHOLD:
            case FS_AP_MACHHOLD:
                if (AirspeedHold == 1)
                    FsbusWrite(C_LAIRSPEEDHOLD, 1);
                    FsbusWrite(C_LN1, 0);
                else if (EngN1 == 1)
                    FsbusWrite(C_LAIRSPEEDHOLD, 0);
                    FsbusWrite(C_LN1, 1);
                    FsbusWrite(C_LAIRSPEEDHOLD, 0);
                    FsbusWrite(C_LN1, 0);
            case FS_AP_AIRSPEED:
                Airspeed = val;
                if (MachSpeed == 0) // display in IAS mode
                    FsbusWrite(C_DIAS, Airspeed); // new speed
            case FS_AP_MACH:
                Mach = (val * 100 + 50) / 65536 ;  
                if (MachSpeed == 1)  
                    FsbusWrite(C_DIAS, Mach);  
            case FS_AP_VSHOLD:
                VertspeedHold = val;
                FsbusWrite(C_LVSPEEDHLD, VertspeedHold);
            case FS_AP_VS:
                Vertspeed = val;
                FsbusWrite(C_DVSPEED, Vertspeed);
            case FS_AP_RPMHOLD:
            case FS_AP_RPM:
            case FS_AP_GLIDESLOPEHOLD:
            case FS_AP_APPROACHHOLD:
                ApproachHold = val;
                FsbusWrite(C_LAPP, ApproachHold);
            case FS_AP_BCHOLD:
            case FS_AUTOTHROTTLEARM:
            case FS_FLIGHTDIRECTOR:
                if (bSynchronised == false)
                    if (val == 1)
    //                  printf("DIRLFsAP, val=%d\n", val);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRL, 1);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTL, 1);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRR, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTR, 0);
    //                  FsWrite(FS_FLIGHTDIRECTOR,1);
                        ValFlightDir  = 1;
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRL, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTL, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LFLIGHTDIRR, 0);
                        FsbusWrite(C_LMASTFLIGHTR, 0);
    //                  FsWrite(FS_FLIGHTDIRECTOR,0);
                        ValFlightDir  = 0;
            case FS_ENGINE1N1:
                Engine1N1 = val * 100 / 16384;
            case FS_ENGINE1N2:
                Engine1N2 = val * 100 / 16384;

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    Re: Progamming help with FSBus dll

    that was the complet file.
    I dont see any function they shutoff an engine.
    That is a strange fault.
    Did your code make a logfile??


  5. #255
    300+ Forum Addict RobiD's Avatar
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    Re: Progamming help with FSBus dll

    Hi Stefan,

    I'm not sure if it has made a log file. Where would I find it, and do I have to set it up to make a log file or does it do it automatically anyway.

  6. #256
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    Re: Progamming help with FSBus dll


    Could it have anything to do with this bit of the code. There is no reference to engine 2 ie:

    FsWrite(FS_ENGINE1N1, EngN1);
    FsWrite(FS_ENGINE1N2, EngN1);

    Do I need to duplicate this for FS_ENGINE2N1 and FS_ENGINE2N2
    Will that make any difference?

    case C_SSPDHLD:
    if ( (val == 0) && (CockpitATArmed == 1) )

    AirspeedHold = (AirspeedHold == 0) ? 1 : 0;
    FsbusWrite(C_LAIRSPEEDHOLD, AirspeedHold);
    if (AirspeedHold == 1)
    EngN1 = 0;
    FsbusWrite(C_LN1, EngN1);
    if (MachSpeed == 0)
    FsWrite(FS_AP_MACHHOLD, 1);
    FsWrite(FS_AP_MACHHOLD, 0);
    FsWrite(FS_ENGINE1N1, EngN1);
    FsWrite(FS_ENGINE1N2, EngN1);

  7. #257
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    Re: Progamming help with FSBus dll

    i donīt understand first that 2 rows.
    First in the defination of this variable, it is a 0-1 "switch".
    Also written nowhere in the code of other value that is a 0 or 1, with the varible.
    Second, the FS_ENGINE1N1 (0x089 and FS_ENGINE1N2 (0x0896) are usually read only values.
    If you write that FSUIPC offsets (in the doc the Offset is read only) dan FSUIPC reacts , than you switch off the ENG1.
    Look both offsets ENG1 the N1 and N2.


  8. #258
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    Re: Progamming help with FSBus dll


    The post was in German but the email I received to tell me about the post was in English (strange).

    Should I try the code with these two lines deleted:

    FsWrite(FS_ENGINE1N1, EngN1);
    FsWrite(FS_ENGINE1N2, EngN1);

  9. #259
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    Re: Progamming help with FSBus dll

    Fixed the language, sorry.
    try to delet them.

  10. #260
    300+ Forum Addict RobiD's Avatar
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    Re: Progamming help with FSBus dll

    Deleted them and now the engine doesn't stop.

    All appears to be working as it should so far.

    I have to put it through it's paces with approaches etc. ILS landings etc.

    Thanks again Stefan, I'll let you know how it's all going.


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