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    prepar3d multimonitor / network setup

    Hello everyone,
    this question must have been asked before, however I cannot find any thread dealing with it...

    In fsx I used to setup 3 outside view windows, save the flight then edit the *.flt file and change the camera parts to setup 3 views on 3 different monitors, each with a different "view heading" and zoom factor.
    How do I do this in prepare3d ?

    I bought 1 copie of p3d to give one of the 3 views via network to a second PC (no more need to use wideview which Iīm using right now)
    I realize I need 2 copies of p3d but before buying I would like to read an instruction on how to distribute views via network. Can anyone provide me
    with a comprehensive link on how to do that ?

    I looked through lockheed website, but itīs all just to much text and "theoretical" for me....

    Thankīs in advance

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    Boeing 777 Builder

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    Re: prepar3d multimonitor / network setup

    Hi Toulouse. You configure multiple windows in P3D exactly the same way as FSX. Go to the .FLT file in your Documents folder and edit the same parameters as FSX.

    Multiple PC network setup in Prepar3d is built into their code however it is a dog to get up and running. I haven't done it myself but read reviews and reports and they all say it is very complex. Details are in the Learning Centre for P3D. The simpler way to do multi PC is using the latest version of Wideview which now supports P3D. Another option is to use OpusFSX but I believe this is less functional than Wideview at the moment.

    Opencockpits | Aerosim Solutions | Sim-Avionics | P3D | FDS | FTX | AS16 | PPL | Kennair

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    Re: prepar3d multimonitor / network setup

    Hi Ken,
    I`ll ty editing the *.flt again...and yes, it seems everyone is happy with the network capabilities of p3d but very few have ever tried them, stand alone written something about it.
    I think opusfx is worth a try, I do get some stuttering with wideview running fs x for the views and fs9 for panels no matter how much i fiddle around with the settings. If you can find one of the links about setting p3d up in a network Iīd be very grateful...

  5. #4
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    Re: prepar3d multimonitor / network setup

    Toulouse, head on over to the P3D support forum where there are many examples for the multichannel setup but be prepared for confusion as it's quite complex (for me anyway). Search for the word "multichannel".

    As to the official documentation it's in the Learning Centre of your P3D installation. In the Learning Center there is a section called What's New. Under What's New In Prepar3D go to the bottom of the page. You will find the article on Multi-Channel set-up and configuration.

    Good luck,

    Opencockpits | Aerosim Solutions | Sim-Avionics | P3D | FDS | FTX | AS16 | PPL | Kennair

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    Re: prepar3d multimonitor / network setup

    The first link is what I was looking for, Iīll skip the official Documents. Thankīs again Ken...