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  1. #1

    Step-by-step Tutorial

    So I've decided I want to build a 737ng simulator. This will be (according to my wife) my latest "over-the-top" project. I've already bought Project Magenta's pmSystems, a Phidgets 0/16/16 I/O board and LED board, a Flight Illusion fuel gauge and controller, and plan on running the various software on a dedicated 3Ghz computer with 1GB or RAM. Based on what I've found, I know I'm looking at having a number of computers. My initial intent is to work on the overhead panel, and more specifically the fuel subpanel becuase it appears to have all of the individual hardware (switches, knobs, etc.) that the other subpanel may or nay not have.

    I've spent some time looking around the different websites and haven't been able to find a fairly standard step-by-step guide on how to construct and/or wire up and configure all of these components. Maybe I'm being a bit naive, but I get the impression that a lot of people are setting up sims using these same components, and that we all can't be brute forcing it. Or am I wrong? I've found a lot of individual pieces of information, but don't seem to understnad how to link it all togther.

    Is there a fairly straight forward step-by-step guide and/or tutorial that would get someone up and running? You know, connect piece A to piece B using nut & bolt C, etc. etc. etc.

  2. #2
    To my knowledge there is no
    Building Boeing 737 Simulators for Dummies.

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