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    Does anyone not see these problems?

    Hi All,

    I recently reported some airbus software issues to PM. They are very busy at present and therefore could not verify whether or not the issues I reported were faults or configuration problems.

    Jonathan said they were not doing any airbus work at the moment and it was ok if I reported them here to see if anyone else was aware of them. However, I would like to ask the question in a different way; does anyone not have these problems? - if so, then I would really appreciate it if you could help me figure out what I am doing wrong!

    This is what I see:

    1. In SRS mode with a flex power take-off, the FD commands a pitch that allows the speed to exceed V2+10 knots.

    2. At acceleration altitude, the thrust momentarily goes to idle and I loose too much speed before the thrust comes back to climb power.

    3. When I engage AP, the aircraft severely pitches up suddenly and then goes a little crazy trying to recapture the correct pitch.

    4. T/C, T/D points are never shown correctly and keep changing the whole time even though I am in a steady climb or steady cruise.

    5. When in open climb or descent, the AP often captures an altitude that is somewhere between 100 and 200 feet before the correct altitude - I often have to Alt pull several times to get the climb or descent to get to the selected alt.

    6. In approach mode with managed speed, as I deploy flaps, the speed will never reduce below F speed i.e. 180 knots so I have to go into selected speed mode to achieve the correct approach speed.


  2. #2
    150+ Forum Groupie luisgordo's Avatar
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    Hi Ryan,

    What aircraft model are you using? I ask because I had the problems you describe (1,3,6) using IFDG, though I never really identified when exactly because they did not always happen.
    I now use Project Airbus, an am quite happy with it.
    I also have problem #4 and #5, but in my case, the captured ALT may even be 500 above the selected one.
    I am still collecting my findings of bugs of the Airbus PM suite so that they have things easier when they retake the development on "the bus".
    Luis Gordo
    Instructor StationTM -

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    Hi Luis,

    I am using the latest IFDG A320 model.

    I will try the Project Airbus model instead - can you give me a link to where I can find a recent version of it?

    It's a relief to know that I am not the only one to see these problems - and more importantly that there are ways around some of them!


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    150+ Forum Groupie pdpo's Avatar
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    I use the IFDG A319 model and have no issues with capturing the right altitude. The only thing in flight which I have is that the plane tends to oscilate during an open climb. I have been some time ago (when enrico was working on airbus) in close contact with Enrico from PM and he had this improved. (on the downloads section of PM site you can find A319 Alitalia)
    But still it is not yet perfect. A lot of the stability of the plane under project magenta depends on the load balance of the plane. I get better result when I put more load towards the front of the plane. This is due to the fact that PM controls the plane only by controlling the trim.
    For ToD and ToC ... same issues ... and many other issues ....
    I remember that the problem of the throttle going to idle at acceleration ...I had that too but found a workaround for it. I dont remember it 100% anymore but it had to do with what you do before takeoff (are you using the latest FCU?) When I pressed the FD button, then pulled the speed and pulled the heading I did not have this, when I pressed the FD button only (all modes in managed) I had this too.
    SRS mode, same here
    Green dot speed and flap extension work badly
    Autotune does not work properly
    calculation of efob works poorly
    navdata entry has bugs (entry of sid, if in the sid a waypoint is used which exists more then ones, it seems to take the first occurency even this is far away, entry of airways fails due to aiways/waypoint mismatch eventhough the waypoint belongs to the airway...)
    I have gotten a whole list of bugs and Enrico knows about them ...but they are busy ...just not with airbus...

    Greetz Peter

  5. #5
    150+ Forum Groupie luisgordo's Avatar
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    Hi Ryan,

    Here's the link:

    Hope it helps!
    Luis Gordo
    Instructor StationTM -

  6. #6
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    Thanks Guys for your advice.

    Given that there are problems with the PM airbus software, how do you actually fly the airbus in your sims so that you avoid them while flying as realistically as possible?

    Have you developed any special procedures to deal with these issues? I can imagine in the real world that there are often technical problems with the aircraft or airport equipment that requires different procedures than normal - however, they probably don't have as many technical issues all at once!

    Anyhow, I'd like to know about your procedures if you have any that you have developed in order to fly with PM.


  7. #7
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    I like most of us are have problems as well, but I am using Vista and FSX, so all problems may be slightly different.
    Most testing of late has been doing Cat III landings and ILS approaches, so here is what I have seen so far.
    Do not use severe turbulence. It will not keep up.
    Do not do a touch and go ILS and try to do another one.(won't capture G/S)
    Do not use clear weather for an ILS or it will sometimes land short on some runways if you are doing a Cat III.
    Make sure you start your next flight from the end of the runway and do a complete cockpit check.
    Hope this helps.
    ...........................Brian W.

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    Hi Ryan, I have these problems and a 1000 more unfortunately. I have not flown with PM software now for almost 10 months. I have to say I'm really disappointed with the lack of updates, this software was not cheap. It's a shame to see it shelved while I am waiting for critical updates. I can't wait to the day where it's all working correctly - I'm sure it could be very impressive.
    Ben Hewitt
    AirBus Driver

  9. #9
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    I have to tell you guys this, and this comes from a good source

    PM Airbus Software is not dead. I know for a fact, all of your issues are logged and seriously considered.

    I think in general, we as customers were spoiled, when Enrico, Jonathan and Thomas sat at their computers and immediately answered (IMMEDIATELY) every concern. In my opinion, that hurts a software company, it ties them up from developing the big picture.

    It's my understanding the Airbus software is very important to them, but developing it in large steps rather then tiny ones. Which BTW make a lot more sense, business wise.

    I'm an Airbus customer, and I trust PM will come through.

  10. #10
    150+ Forum Groupie pdpo's Avatar
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    Hi matt,

    I agree with you that they need to work on the big picture but as someone posted above,
    paying such an amount of money and having to shelve it for 10 months , this is also unacceptable for a software company.
    On top of that the customers of the airbus suite are left with little communication from PM, thus we start thinking they have stopped working on it.
    I have informed myself with Enrico about the status many times and reported many many issues... they get filed but when we will have a software which makes us enjoy are airbus cockpits that is something else.
    If only I would have not spend that much for PM I would have changed already to AST you know...and I think I'm not the only one.
    (they also have issues, believe me, but currently many of the flights I make is more frustration of a bad landing because the autothrust started to spool up on final...or some other weird bevavior... or a crash because of lack of power for a go around....or....)

    Greetz Peter

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