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    GC Build 480 Update Error!

    Okay, I just updated a perfectly healthy running PM GC computer to build 480. Guess what I get? When I start the program by double clicking the PFD.exe, I get the windows hour glass and then nothing, but the PFD.exe deletes itself from the PFD folder!

    This has to be a first for the PFD.exe icon to just remove itself and not run the program. So, I tried copying the update files again (putting the PFD. dll and PFD.exe back in the PFD folder), and it does again, and again, and get the picture.

    I shut down the other computers running any GC programs, and yet I get the same thing. Therefore, I am at a loss; has anyone had this happen yet? If so, what did you do to fix it? I suppose I am going to run the setup program again and then run the update too see if that will do it.

    And yes, these are registered versions, and no nothing with the computer has changed, and yes this is driving me insane...oh wait, I am insane already!!!


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    Re: GC Build 480 Update Error!

    Okay, I just did a reinstall and the GC works fine, but after I copy that Build 480 PFD.exe and PFD.dll over into the PFD folder, it does the exact same thing...


  3. #3
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    Re: GC Build 480 Update Error!

    Fixed it, but this is so odd. The file name for the Build 480 update is PFD.exe and PFD.dll, and that is the same names used before the update. However, I renamed the PFD.exe file to GC.exe after transferring the updates into the PFD folder (before starting the program). Now it works fine!

    The only thing that changed was the settings for the PFD/ND placements, so I had to move them back to where they were before (even though I copied the locations from the backed up PFD.ini, they were still off).

    Finally, I might have read something about this name changing business when trying to run two copies of GC on the same computer for dual monitors or something. However, I am not doing this and as I said, this computer with GC PFD was working just fine, all I did was the updates...

    Well, maybe I can try flying it now, after wasting three hours trying to figure this out!


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    Re: GC Build 480 Update Error!

    This is just the beginning, wait till you see so many things that work different from the real 737īs . I donīt know how it happens, but when they release an update, there is always something missing of the last one. In another words they fix one and let others already fixed, out. Itīs weird. Check disapearence of FD in the last build after loosing an engine just after V1. I had to return two builds before in order to recover this. There is a lot to be fixed before this software be called professional.

  5. #5
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    Re: GC Build 480 Update Error!

    I'll be switching to SimAvionics in the next month or so, meaning that I've thrown over $2000 USD down the drain on PM. Every update seems to be one step forward and 3 steps back. If I were one of the developers, I'd be embarrassed to have my name associated with such a buggy, unstable, incomplete "professional" product.

    As disappointments go, PM is near the top of the list!
    Chris Kilroy
    737NG Builder - Henderson, NV USA

  6. #6
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    Re: GC Build 480 Update Error!

    What worries me is the fact that nobody seems to care about this.
    Iīve been flying in company of real B737ngs pilots and every flight they keep pointing to so many things diferent of the real aircraft . The worst of them is the N1 green bug that in Takeoff should point always to the maximum takeoff Thrust instead of Engine RPM , so if you are executing a takeoff with R-TO (reduced takeoff) and have an engine fail after V1 , you should complete thrust from the Reduced Thrust to this maximum takeoff thrust in order to have sufficient climb thrust and preserve the good engine. Iīve reported to Jonathan and of course Enrico Knows. Theyīve answered that in 10 years nobody had complained about , so what can I say? Users and PM donīt know the aircraft at all.
    Last edited by leilson; 11-22-2010 at 07:48 PM. Reason: missing word

  7. #7
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    Re: GC Build 480 Update Error!

    Worrying about the little things (and there are obviously a ton of them) is all fine and good, but for a $2000+ package, I'd expect not to have to deal with major bugs such as:

    - An FMC that loses the RTE page as soon as a route is executed
    - An RCDU that actually works and doesn't freeze 3 minutes into every flight
    - Erroneous and sporadic calculation of top of climb/top of descent
    - MCP logic which is all wrong (for example, when flying an ILS, disengaging the autopilot engages the N1 light)

    There are innumerable bugs in PM and for every one that's fixed in any given update, the developers seem to create 3-4 more (along with reviving one or two previously fixed ones).

    People are leaving PM for Sim-A in droves, and it looks like I'll soon be one of them.
    Chris Kilroy
    737NG Builder - Henderson, NV USA

  8. #8
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    Re: GC Build 480 Update Error!

    ok I agree with what you say, but you seem fair to give PM 2000 € / $?

    I also go to prosim737 I've already tested it works pretty well, but the problem now seems that PM has made money and most users do not care, how is this possible?

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