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  1. #1
    500+ This must be a daytime job

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    ATTN NICO:Your help is needed

    Hi Nico and All,
    Struggling with Sioc again.Any help from anyone would be most helpful.
    Nico:My problem is with I/o Cards USBLCD module.I am trying to display
    data on all 20 pages(4 displays times 5 pages).I have 4 5 pos rotary switches wired to a master card.All the switches test out as ok.
    i have attached a small test program that includes the code im using in my main cockpit config.The data im displaying is Fuel quantity for left and right tanks.The code you so kindly helped me out with a few weels ago.
    My problem is that displays 2 and 3 displayed data becomes corrupted
    when i switch display 3 thru its various pages.
    If i remove EITHER ONE of the ROUTINES for displaying fuel then all 4
    displays work on all pages without corruption.
    Im wondering if my code is wrong or there is a bug somewhere.
    As my programming skills are very limited im not able to rewrite
    these routines to see if there is a work around.
    So really need to know is ;
    1.Is there a bug?.
    2.Would a different routine for displaying this data help?.
    My 4 displays are 0-3.
    I did try to use a diferent set of switches but the result was the same.
    Hope you or someone can help.


  2. #2
    500+ This must be a daytime job kiek's Avatar
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    Hi Les,

    Your SIOC code looks allright to me.

    From what you describe there might be a problem with the definitions of the vars for Display 2 and 3 (set by IOClcd_config).

    Var 5004 Value 0 // Display 2
    Var 6010 name RPMout
    Var 6004 name Manpressout
    Var 6008 name Fflowout
    Var 5011 name chtout
    Var 6003 name egtout

    Var 5016 value 0 // Display 3
    Var 6001 name FuelLHLCD
    Var 6002 name FuelLLLCD
    Var 6005 name Fuelpress
    Var 6006 name Oilpressout
    Var 6007 name Oiltempout
    Var 6012 name TITout
    Var 6009 name Ampsout
    Var 6015 name FuelRHLCD
    var 6016 name FuelRLLCD

    You should check whether these numbers are ok. And I'd recommend (as coding style) to take consecutive numbers for the same display.


  3. #3
    500+ This must be a daytime job

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    Thanks Nico,
    Tried with conective numbers,but it didnt help.So i thought i would delete
    the text for Display 3.This seemed to do the trick.No more corruption on any display.However im still not 100% convinced that all is perfect.
    I then loaded my full coded program that works ok.Corruption reoccurred
    untill i swapped around two page switching switches.Corruption has now gone on my main program.Tend to think there maybe aproblem somewhere
    .Still its working now and maybe i will leave it as it is.Maybe abug somewhere,when you are very shaky with programming problems like this
    are difficult to work out.
    I have some 40 x 2 backlit green lcds.Just pm me if you could use any.


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