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    Opencockpits MCP (USB) SIOC

    Hi guys,

    As you can see im new here, nice to meet you all

    I've started getting all the parts bit by bit in order to build my home simulator. Not so long ago I bought OpenCockpits MCP USB version, which should be plug and play etc. I have SIOC ver 3.41. Im looking to use this with Project Magenta's MCP software so I can use it in FSX with the default 737 that comes with FSX.

    Im having problems at the moment with the MCP I only took it out of the box yesterday to have a play around with my toy, but I cannot for the love of me get it working. I have followed all the instructions for adding some lines in sioc.ini file also with the script I want sioc to load on runtime which would be the MCP_737.txt im sure.

    When I load up SIOC and also load up FSX with FSUIPC and the PM MCP software the lights come one for about 5 seconds and then turns off again. I cant use my MCP with anything.

    I've also noticed that the support on the OC site is next to none, or it's in Spanish in which i am not fluent in. I can see MyCockpits has added in a OC section for people with their hardware.

    So do any of you OC guys knows what is going on or can lead my in the right way.

    SIOC 3.41

    FSX SP2

    Projectmagenta Latest updates

    FSUIPC: latest Version registered.

    Thanks for the help.

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    POst up the SIOC.ini file and a screen shot of your SIOC running.

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    Thanks for you quick reply. Il post them now

    [ fichero de configuracion para el SIOC ver. 3.41 ]
    [ Configuration file for SIOC ]

    [************** SIOC ***************]

    [ Puerto del servidor IOCP ]
    [ IOCP port ]

    [ Tiempo de respuesta máximo de los paquetes IOCP ]
    [ IOCP Timeout ]

    [ Arranque minimizado en la barra ]
    [ Start minimized in tray ]

    [ Retraso necesario para las variables toggles (Project Magenta)]
    [ Deley needed for var. toggles (Project Magenta) ]

    [ Fichero de configuracion ]
    [ Configuration File ]

    [************** IOCARDS MODULE ***************]

    [ Desactivar el módulo de las IOCards ]
    [ Disable IOCards module ]

    [------------- CARDS CONFIG -------------]

    [ IOCard Master ]

    [ Spanish : ]

    [ MASTER=(Indice device),(Tipo),(Número de tarjetas),(Número device) ]

    [ Indice Device: Índice usado en la variable SIOC como device, para indicar a que tarjeta se hace referencia ]
    [ Se usa 0 en el caso de que sólo haya una tarjeta y no se tenga en cuenta el número de device, por defecto un script en SIOC cuando no se pone parámetro DEVICE, se hace referencia al índice 0]

    [ tipo = 0 : Emulador de Master Card ]
    [ tipo = 1 : Tarjeta Master conectada al puerto paralelo directamente ]
    [ tipo = 2 : Tarjeta Master conectada al puerto paralelo mediante cable de compatibilidad ]
    [ tipo = 3 : Placa de expansión por puerto paralelo ]
    [ tipo = 4 : Tarjeta USBExpansion usada ]
    [ tipo = 5 : Modulo MCP de Opencockpits ]

    [ Número de tarjetas = Número de placas Master usadas, 1 a 4 para uso de placas de expansión, 1 para conexión de placa Master directa o del Emulador ]

    [ Número de device = 0 en el caso del Emulador o primera tarjeta USB detectada, Dirección del puerto paralelo (por ejemplo $037, o número de dispositivo USB ]

    [ Por ejemplo para una Master conectada al puerto paralelo : ]
    [ MASTER=0,1,1,$0378 ]

    [ Un ejemplo de 2 USBExpansion conectadas con 3 y 2 placas Master ]
    [ MASTER=0,4,3,22 ]
    [ MASTER=1,4,2,24 ]

    [ Un ejemplo de conexión a simulador ]
    [ MASTER=0,0,1,0 ]

    [ English : ]

    [ MASTER=(Device index),(Type),(Number of cards),(Device number) ]

    [ Device index : Index used in SIOC variable like device, this is the card used for SIOC sentence ]
    [ Use 0 for only one card, for this value you not need specify Device number. If you not use DEVICE parameter in a definition in SIOC script, the default index used is 0]

    [ type = 0 : Master Card Emulator ]
    [ type = 1 : Master Card connected directly to parallel port ]
    [ type = 2 : Master Card connected throught compatibility cable to parallel port ]
    [ type = 3 : Expansion Card connected throught parallel port ]
    [ type = 4 : USBExpansion Card used ]
    [ type = 5 : Opencockpits MCP module ]

    [ Number of Cards = Master cards connecteds, 1 to 4 for expansion cards, 1 for a Master card directly connected or Emulator ]

    [ Number of device = 0 for Emulator or first USB card detected, parallel port address, device number for specifies USBexpansion card ]

    [ For example, a Master Card connected directly to parallel port : ]
    [ MASTER=0,1,1,$0378 ]

    [ For example, two USBExpansion cards connected with 3 and 2 Master cards used ]
    [ MASTER=0,4,3,22 ]
    [ MASTER=1,4,2,24 ]

    [ For example, use of Master card emulator ]
    [ MASTER=0,0,1,0 ]

    [ Use the first USBExpansion card connected with only one Master Card attached ]
    [ Esta definición es para usar la primera tarjeta USBExpansion que se encuentre instalada que además llevará conectada una placa Master ]

    [ Others Cards / Otras tarjetas ]

    [ Spanish : ]

    [ Nombre_de_tarjeta=(Indice device),(Número device) ]

    [ Indice Device: Índice usado en la variable SIOC como device, para indicar a que tarjeta se hace referencia ]
    [ Se usa 0 en el caso de que sólo haya una tarjeta y no se tenga en cuenta el número de device, por defecto un script en SIOC cuando no se pone parámetro DEVICE, se hace referencia al índice 0]

    [ Número de device = 0 para usar primera tarjeta USB de este tipo detectada ó número de dispositivo USB ]

    [ English : ]

    [ Name_of_card=(Device index),(Device number) ]

    [ Device index : Index used in SIOC variable like device, this is the card used for SIOC sentence ]
    [ Use 0 for only one card, for this value you not need specify Device number. If you not use DEVICE parameter in a definition in SIOC script, the default index used is 0]

    [ Number of device = 0 for first USB card of this type detected, or device number for a specifies device ]

    [ Ejemplo de dos USBServos en indices 0 y 1, y números de devices 17 y 23 ]
    [ Example of two USBServos for index 0 and 1, and device number 17 and 23 ]

    [ USBServos=0,17 ]
    [ USBServos=1,23 ]


    [ Para los ejes analógicos se usan los números de devices de las tarjetas donde están alojados ]
    [ For analogic axles, you use the device number of cards what allow the axles ]


    [************** FSUIPC MODULE ***************]

    [ Desabilitar lectura de las FSUIPC ]
    [ FSUIPC disable mode yes/no ]

    [ Refresco recepción FSUIPC ]
    [ FSUIPC refresh ]

    [************** IOCP CLIENTS MODULES ***************]

    [ Retraso para inicializacion una vez conectado el cliente en milisegundos ]
    [ Delay for initialization when client has been connected in mseconds ]

    [************** IOCP CLIENT MODULE #0 ***************]

    [ Desactivar el módulo cliente IOCP ]
    [ Disable IOCP client module ]

    [ IP del servidor donde debe de conectar el cliente ]
    [ IOCP client host name ]

    [ Puerto de envio del protocolo IOCP cliente ]
    [ IOCP client port ]

    [************** IOCP CLIENT MODULE #1 ***************]

    [ Desactivar el módulo cliente IOCP ]
    [ Disable IOCP client module ]

    [ IP del servidor donde debe de conectar el cliente ]
    [ IOCP client host name ]

    [ Puerto de envio del protocolo IOCP cliente ]
    [ IOCP client port ]

    [************** SOUND MODULE ***************]

    [ Ficheros de sonido ]
    [ Sound Files ]

    [ Desactivar el módulo de sonido ]
    [ Disable Sound module ]

    [ Volumen general de los sonidos 0-100 ]
    [ Master Volume 0-100 ]

    [ put '*' first filename for loop Sound ]
    [ anteponer '*' en el fichero para bucle continuo de sonido]

    [ Sound=wav_file,frequency,volume,pan ]
    [ frequency=100 to 100000 0=original -1=current ]
    [ volume=0 to 100, -1=current ]
    [ pan=-100 (left) to +100 (right) 0=center -1=current ]

    [ Sound=Fichero_wav,frecuencia,volumen,balance ]
    [ frecuencia=100 hasta 100000 0=original -1=Por defecto ]
    [ volumen=0 hasta 100 -1=Volumen por defecto ]
    [ balance=-100 (Izquierda) hasta +100 (Derecha) 0=centro -1=Por defecto ]

    [ #1 ]

    [ #2 ]

    [ #3 ]

    [************** KEYBOARD EMULATOR MODULE ***************]

    [ Nombre exacto de la ventana donde se enviarán las teclas ]
    [ Name of window for key send ]
    [window = "Project Magenta Glass Cockpit - Build 396" ]

    window =a.txt - Bloc de notas

    [ Asignación de teclas ]
    [ assign youe keys ]

    #88= #200=
    [ End of File ]

    If you need more information just ask and I'l do my best. I'm totally new to OC hardware and software. Im only familiar with Goflight products so far.

  4. #4
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    OK, in your MCP_737.ssi , what device number are you using in all your assignments?

  5. #5
    150+ Forum Groupie Padraig's Avatar
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    Im going to sound newbish here, I haven't got a clue about this device number thing. Care to explain a little as I don't know what you mean?

    // *****************************************************************************
    // * Config_SIOC ver 1.97 - By Manolo Vélez -
    // *****************************************************************************
    // * FileName : MCP_737.txt
    // * Date : 3/4/2005
    // * Ver : 1.0
    // * MCP de Project Magenta de 737, usando 00 fijos para ALT y VSpeed, y - del VS mediante salida


    Var 2000, Value 0
    V2501 = 2 // COURSE
    V2503 = 1 // HDG
    V2504 = 10 // ALT
    V2567 = 1 // 00 DEL ALT (el 00 es fijo)
    V2250 = SETBIT 23 // Pone MODO IAS
    V2257 = V2104 // IAS leidas en IAS temporal
    V2258 = V2105 // MATH leidas en MATH temporal
    V2502 = V2104 // Pone por IAS en display


    Var 2101, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $04E6, Length 2 // VS de entrada
    L0 = V2101 // En L0 el valor leido
    C0 = TESTBIT V2101 ,15 // Comprueba si es Negativo
    IF C0
    V2800 = L0 - 65536 // Si es negativo binario pasa a negativo d
    V2800 = L0 // No es negativo, deja igual dejando siemp
    CALL V2900 // Pone valor en el display

    Var 2102, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $051C, Length 2 // Indicadores MCP
    C0 = TESTBIT V2102 ,0 // Está apagado el Display del VS ?
    IF C0 // SI, entonces
    V2554 = 0 // Quita el 00 final del display
    V2500 = -999999 // Apaga resto de digitos
    V2553 = 0 // Me aseguro de apagar el signo -
    ELSE // NO, entonces
    V2554 = 1 // Enciende los 00 del display
    CALL V2900 // Pone el V/S en el display

    Var 2103, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $04F0, Length 2 // LUCES del MCP
    V2552 = TESTBIT V2103 ,2 // V/S
    V2551 = TESTBIT V2103 ,12 // F/D
    V2550 = TESTBIT V2103 ,11 // A/T
    V2555 = TESTBIT V2103 ,9 // SPEED
    V2556 = TESTBIT V2103 ,10 // N1
    V2557 = TESTBIT V2103 ,3 // ALT HOLD
    V2558 = TESTBIT V2103 ,4 // APP
    V2559 = TESTBIT V2103 ,5 // VORLOC
    V2560 = TESTBIT V2103 ,6 // LNAV
    V2561 = TESTBIT V2103 ,7 // HDG
    V2562 = TESTBIT V2103 ,8 // LVL CHG
    V2563 = TESTBIT V2103 ,14 // VNAV
    V2564 = TESTBIT V2103 ,0 // AP1
    V2565 = TESTBIT V2103 ,1 // AP2
    C0 = TESTBIT V2103 ,15 // Modo MATH o IAS ?
    IF C0 // MATH MODE
    V2258 = V2105 // Cargo valor en temporal
    V2566 = 1 // Enciendo el punto decimal
    CALL V2901 // Display del valor
    V2257 = V2104 // Cargo valor en temporal
    V2566 = 0 // Apago el punto decimal
    CALL V2901 // Display del valor

    Var 2104, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $04E0, Length 2 // IAS
    CALL V2901 // Display del valor

    Var 2105, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $04E8, Length 2 // MATH
    CALL V2901 // Display del valor


    Var 2250, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $5410, Length 4 // Pulsadores-I PM

    Var 2251, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $5414, Length 4 // Pulsadores-II PM

    Var 2252, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $540C, Length 2 // V/S de salida

    Var 2253, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $5414, Length 4 // Botones MCP

    Var 2254, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $0C4E, Length 2 // COURSE

    Var 2255, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $5408, Length 2 // HDG

    Var 2256, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $540A, Length 2 // ALT

    Var 2257, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $5406, Length 2 // IAS

    Var 2258, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $540E, Length 2 // MATH


    Var 2300, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 38 // Interruptor A/T
    IF V2300 = 1 // Si está encendido
    V2250 = TOGGLE 19 // Hago toggle del bit 19
    V2250 = TOGGLE 20 // Si apagado, toggle del bit 20

    Var 2301, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 27 // Interruptor F/D
    IF V2301 = 1
    V2251 = TOGGLE 5
    V2251 = TOGGLE 6

    Var 2302, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 52, Type P // Boton V/S
    V2253 = CHANGEBIT 11 ,V2302 // Si pulsador encendido, bit 11 a 1, si ap

    Var 2303, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 35, Type P // Boton SPEED
    V2250 = CHANGEBIT 22 ,V2303

    Var 2304, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 34, Type P // Boton N1
    V2250 = CHANGEBIT 21 ,V2304

    Var 2305, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 36, Type P // Boton LVL CHG
    V2250 = CHANGEBIT 24 ,V2305

    Var 2306, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 39, Type P // Boton HDG
    V2250 = CHANGEBIT 25 ,V2306

    Var 2307, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 44, Type P // Boton ALT HOLD
    V2250 = CHANGEBIT 30 ,V2307

    Var 2308, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 37, Type P // Boton APP
    V2250 = CHANGEBIT 29 ,V2308

    Var 2309, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 53, Type P // Boton VORLOC
    V2250 = CHANGEBIT 28 ,V2309

    Var 2310, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 45, Type P // Boton LNAV
    V2250 = CHANGEBIT 27 ,V2310

    Var 2311, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 49, Type P // Boton VNAV
    V2250 = CHANGEBIT 26 ,V2311

    Var 2312, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 50, Type P // Boton DISENGAGE
    IF V2312 = 0
    V2253 = TOGGLE 8 // Si apago pongo el bit a 0
    V2253 = TOGGLE 9 // Si está encendido, pongo el BIT a 1

    Var 2313, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 62, Type P // Boton AP1
    V2253 = CHANGEBIT 0 ,V2313

    Var 2314, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 58, Type P // Boton AP2
    V2253 = CHANGEBIT 1 ,V2314

    Var 2315, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 40, Type P // Boton MATH
    V2250 = CHANGEBIT 23 ,V2315


    Var 2400, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Input 55, Aceleration 6 // Encoder VS
    L0 = V2400 * 100 // Incrementa de 100 en 100
    V2800 = ROTATE -9000 ,9000 ,L0 // Suma o resta del valor temporal de V/S
    IF V2800 < 0 // Si temporal V/S es negativo
    V2252 = V2800 + 65536 // pasa a binario negativo.
    V2252 = V2800 // Si no, deja igual pasando el valor al PM

    Var 2401, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Input 31, Aceleration 6 // Encoder COURSE
    V2501 = ROTATE 0 ,359 ,V2401 // Roto el valor del COURSE

    Var 2402, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Input 28, Aceleration 6 // Encoder IAS Y MATH
    C0 = TESTBIT V2103 ,15 // Indicador MATH o IAS ?
    IF C0 // MATH MODE
    V2258 = LIMIT 25 ,95 ,V2402 // Inc o decremento el valor del MATH
    V2257 = LIMIT 0 ,340 ,V2402 // Inc o decremento el valor del IAS

    Var 2403, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Input 41, Aceleration 6 // Encoder HDG
    V2503 = ROTATE 0 ,359 ,V2403

    Var 2404, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Input 46, Aceleration 6 // Encoder ALT
    V2504 = LIMIT 0 ,500 ,V2404


    Var 2500, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Digit 12, Numbers 2 // VS

    Var 2501, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Digit 0, Numbers 3 // COURSE
    V2254 = V2501 // Pasa el valor al PM

    Var 2502, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Digit 3, Numbers 3 // IAS Y MATH

    Var 2503, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Digit 6, Numbers 3 // HEADING
    V2255 = V2503 // Pasa el valor al PM

    Var 2504, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Digit 9, Numbers 3 // ALT
    V2256 = V2504 // Pasa el valor al PM


    Var 2550, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 29 // Led A/T

    Var 2551, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 19 // Led F/D

    Var 2552, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 38 // Led del boton V/S

    Var 2553, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 36 // Signo - del display V/S

    Var 2554, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 35 // 00 del VS

    Var 2555, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 17 // Led SPEED

    Var 2556, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 18 // Led N1

    Var 2557, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 26 // Led ALT HOLD

    Var 2558, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 25 // Led APP

    Var 2559, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 23 // Led VORLOC

    Var 2560, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 24 // Led LNAV

    Var 2561, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 22 // Led HDG

    Var 2562, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 21 // Led LVL CHG

    Var 2563, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 20 // Led VNAV

    Var 2564, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 34 // Led AP1

    Var 2565, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 30 // Led AP2

    Var 2566, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 28 // Led . DECIMAL

    Var 2567, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 27 // 00 del ALT


    Var 2800 // Valor temporal del V/S


    Var 2900, Link SUBRUTINE // Pinta V/S
    C0 = TESTBIT V2102 ,0 // Comprueba si deben de estar apagados
    C0 = NOT C0
    IF C0 // Sólo en el caso de estar encendidos
    IF V2800 < 0 // Si V/S es negativo, pasa a positivo
    L0 = ABS V2800
    V2553 = 1 // Enciendo el signo -
    V2553 = 0 // Apago el signo -
    L0 = V2800
    V2500 = L0 / 100 // Manda el valor ajustado de V/S a display

    Var 2901, Link SUBRUTINE // Pinta IAS / MATH
    C0 = TESTBIT V2103 ,15 // Modo MATH o IAS ?
    IF C0 // MATH MODE
    V2502 = V2105 // Pone valor MATH en el display
    V2502 = V2104 // Pone valor IAS en el display

  6. #6
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    I you notice on your SIOC display, it shows IDX=0 0 is the device number

    Uograde to SIOC 3.5, also download the SIOC INI set-up program. Run the INI set-up program then run SIOC 3.5. Click on the config tab, in the config program, double chack ALL inputs have the device number correctly shown/assigned.

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    Ok, I will do this now. Thanks ever so much in helping me out

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    Can I ask, but which part of these lines of code in the config shows the Device number because I cant see it anywhere, or its probably right in front of my eyes I just can see it.

  9. #9
    500+ This must be a daytime job 737NUT's Avatar
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    When you open the Config_SIOC, you double click on any of the "INPUTS", that opens the parameter window. On that window you will see a box labeled 'Dispositivo" put the device number in that box. Save your file and reload SIOC

  10. #10
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    Thanks for your help on this MCP, I have done everything you stated.

    That config ini program is quite neat, theres a selection under master for my MCP which is what I selected. I then gave it an IDX number of 3. saved and reloaded, Now i can see my my device in there. I then followed into the config part and in putted the IDX number into every command that it showed under Dispositivo, Saved, reloaded and the displays and lights flashed and then back to nothing.

    I wonder am I missing something. I cant contact OC about this because their support isn't any good for English spoken people.

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