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  1. #1
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    Classifieds changes, errors?

    Hey MYC Staff,

    I got this email and I'm not sure what's going on, but I have not uploaded any new Classified Ad's, and the two I had listed have been on there for quite sometime. One thing I noticed is the line about "- Ads which were not paid for after submission" Does that mean MYC is going to start charging for classified ads? I hope not...

    Also, as of right now all Classified Ads are blanked out.


    I'm sorry, but the ad you submitted to, titled has been deleted. Some reasons for ad deletions include:

    - Ads that were partially uploaded/incomplete
    - Extremely poor quality/images (impossible to make out the image itself)
    - Ads that did not conform to our published site contribution and usage guidelines such as offensive
    - Ads which were not paid for after submission

    If you would like to submit another ad, please return to our ad upload form:


    The Team

  2. #2
    Executive Vice President, MyCockpit

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    Re: Classifieds changes, errors?

    Classifieds have been off line for over a month, due to the upgrade.

    Some posts were over 6 months old and the seller never removed them. Posts were only supposed to stay for a max of 30 days. Here is the thread of the upgraded Classifieds. BTW, glad to hear the automatic E-mail is working

    The following notice was posted yesterday.

  3. #3
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    Re: Classifieds changes, errors?


    Thanks for looking into this. Early (Tuesday or Wednesday morning) all the original ads prior to the upgrade were there for a little while, and I thought "Hey, the Classifieds is back like it was...great!" Although, I do see why you changed things and thereby, automatically removing all the outdated ads makes sense. However, is there a way that the Classifieds can be setup so once the 30 days ends, we can have an option to continue for another 30 days without having to repost everything?

    Having some type of notification to say your ad will expire in X amount of days, do you wish to renew your ad for another X amount of days would be awesome. Of course, if I did not renew then the ad would be closed out. If this is not possible, it's okay. I'm just tryng to save some time for working on the sim...

    Thanks again,


  4. #4
    Executive Vice President, MyCockpit

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    Re: Classifieds changes, errors?

    Quote Originally Posted by jkcombs View Post
    Having some type of notification to say your ad will expire in X amount of days, do you wish to renew your ad for another X amount of days would be awesome. Of course, if I did not renew then the ad would be closed out. If this is not possible, it's okay. I'm just tryng to save some time for working on the sim...
    I believe that's on the programmers wish list, so let's hope that will happen. I agree, lot's of work to put an ad back up again.

  5. Thanks blueskydriver thanked for this post

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