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  1. #1
    300+ Forum Addict autocadplease's Avatar
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    Cockpit Building FAQ "Sticky"

    Do you guys/gals think a cockpit building FAQ "Sticky" would be of value?
    It seems to me that a lot of new members have the same questions and if you don't know the basics it can be hard to "search" for topics.
    Grant D.
    Nelson,B.C. Canada
    Win7 32bit, FSX, PM Boeing, TH2GO, GEX, VoxATC

  2. #2
    500+ This must be a daytime job Ronson2k9's Avatar
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    Re: Cockpit Building FAQ "Sticky"

    I think if broken down into basic components that would be really quite useful. A link listing would do wonders too. For those needing building tutorials and the like as there are many out there. There are many different ways to get to the same end and so long as the FAQ isn't to general in nature it should be pretty cool.

    Components could include

    Information Gathering (Best places for Aircraft Data)
    Flight Controls (Yoke/Rudder/Flaps/Throttle)
    MIP (Instruments - Analog - Digital)
    Body Work (Building the Shell - Physical structure)
    Interfacing (Connecting your sim to the computer) ways and means
    Up Up and away in my beautiful my beautiful - Amphibian

  3. #3
    Boeing 777 Builder

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    Re: Cockpit Building FAQ "Sticky"

    Hi Grant, I made this suggestion to Matt in his post on the forum upgrade as I too think it would make a very handy first-stop for new sim builders. Also saves others answering the same questions over and over. It could be broken down into basic groups as Ronson suggested above and members could add to it by sending new suggestions to a moderator for inclusion after checking and approval.

    Opencockpits | Aerosim Solutions | Sim-Avionics | P3D | FDS | FTX | AS16 | PPL | Kennair

  4. Thanks autocadplease thanked for this post

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