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Thread: Control Issues

  1. #1
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    Control Issues

    I rebuilt and upgraded my pc at the start of the year, including a fresh install of FSX and all the add-ons.

    But, for some reason now I am getting some really odd outcomes when trying to fly. The main one being that the aircraft wants to bank to the left (normally - sometime right) all the time, and it will keep banking until I correct it. But as soon as I leave the yoke in the middle it starts again.

    If I try to fix the problem with the trim I have to set it all the way in the other direction and then still put in some manual adjustment to hold level. I have a similar problem when Taxing, the aircraft does not want to continue straight. I am not using tiller controls on the ground just the rudder, but the problem didn't used to be there

    The only thing I have done differently is to use FSUIPC for the axis rather than FSX. I have disabled the controls in FSX and set them all up within the axis tab of FSUIPC, and selected that they are sent to FSUIPC for calibration. I have then set the max and min within the calibration tab, and set the slope to a smooth '8' - But I am getting the above results.

    I have even tried uninstalling FSUIPC and now using FSX for the controls, but the problem still exists.

    I am using the Saitek yoke.

    Any ideas??


  2. #2
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    Re: Control Issues

    A shot in the dark here but I had a very similar experience with my Logitec Joystick and FS9. Couldn't understand the "taxiing to the left" and uncommanded left turns when airborne. Was about to ditch my joystick when I found a cure and incredibly it was cured by simply unplugging and reconnecting the joystick whilst taxiing. Strange I know but it worked! Maybe this might work for you.
    P3D/ IFly737 Pro

  3. #3
    Our new friend needs to reach 10 posts to get to the next flight level
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    Re: Control Issues

    Sometimes Saitek's have overly sensitive parts. Go into your FS controller setup screen under sensitivities and crank it up.

  4. Thanks dmoblay thanked for this post

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