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    Problem with PFC b737 Yoke

    I recently bought a Precision Flight Control B737 Yoke but have only problems as it will not work properly.

    When connecting it to the USB port is does not complete any software installation, under game controllers its found and i can calibrate it ok, but the calibration does not find the trim rocket switches.

    when in FS9 somehow the Yoke sends a command to FS to only default to an UP view... nice clouds but totally unflyable.

    have tried to delete joystick in FS9 and calibrate via FSUIPC, but result is exactly the same.

    Anyone with any ideas?
    Kind regards

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    Re: Problem with PFC b737 Yoke

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Nielsen View Post
    I recently bought a Precision Flight Control B737 Yoke but have only problems as it will not work properly.

    When connecting it to the USB port is does not complete any software installation, under game controllers its found and i can calibrate it ok, but the calibration does not find the trim rocket switches.
    I don't know the USB version, but I believe the switches and rockers on it are encoded like the CH joystick ones. You may need a CH joystick driver, or one compatible. It should have come with the device -- otherwise, have you looked on PFC's site?

    Failing that I would think you could find one on the CH site? Try .

    Of course, my knowledge of these things dates back to the old game Port devices, which didn't automatically identify themselves. It may be that the CH USB drivers don't recognise the PFC device at all. In which case I think you will have to contact PFC -- if you bought the device new they offer free tech support. See .


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    Re: Problem with PFC b737 Yoke

    Tks Pete,

    Im actually more frustated and confused today than yesterday..

    Took the yoke back to the vendor.. he plugged it into his PC and it all worked perfectly.

    have since this afternoon sat at home uninstalling every single USB driver i have on the PC, unplugging all devices, getting rid of Phidget/CH/GoFlght drivers and it does not want to work??? even updated windows etc etc

    FS9 and PFC yoke results in a constant VIEW UP the second i remove the USB the view goes back to normal front..

    Totally lost at this time...


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    Re: Problem with PFC b737 Yoke

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Nielsen View Post
    Took the yoke back to the vendor.. he plugged it into his PC and it all worked perfectly.
    He must have had a compatible driver already installed.

    have since this afternoon sat at home uninstalling every single USB driver i have on the PC, unplugging all devices, getting rid of Phidget/CH/GoFlght drivers and it does not want to work??? even updated windows etc etc
    I suspect it's more a case of finding the right driver than removing any existing ones.

    FS9 and PFC yoke results in a constant VIEW UP the second i remove the USB the view goes back to normal front..
    All that means is that one of the switches (probably the rockers) are getting assigned to views, like a Hat, but the data arriving is being misinterpreted. I'm sure you could re-assign things (in FSX or FSUIPC, dpeending where it's being assigned) to avoid that. FS won't be doing things with nothing assigned, so that's within your control no matter what driver you use. It's just that you need the right driver to get all the switch returns correctly interpreted.

    Didn't you try the PFC website? They have a support forum too. And did you look to see if a CH driver would do the trick?


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    Re: Problem with PFC b737 Yoke

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Dowson View Post
    He must have had a compatible driver already installed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Dowson View Post
    I suspect it's more a case of finding the right driver than removing any existing ones.

    Wonderful and where do i find that? the PFC technical team basically is staying that there are no drivers and keep insisting that the Yoke is faulty. even when i tell them it works on the vendors PC

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Dowson View Post
    All that means is that one of the switches (probably the rockers) are getting assigned to views, like a Hat, but the data arriving is being misinterpreted. I'm sure you could re-assign things (in FSX or FSUIPC, dpeending where it's being assigned) to avoid that. FS won't be doing things with nothing assigned, so that's within your control no matter what driver you use. It's just that you need the right driver to get all the switch returns correctly interpreted.
    The rockers are not working properly, in the calluibration i managed to get B 3 to light up but only by simultaneously pressing both of the rockers up, the same for button 4, by simultaneously pressing them both down.. tried to then assign via FSUIPC but there they are not found at all... so as not found i cant assign anything to them..

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Dowson View Post
    Didn't you try the PFC website? They have a support forum too. And did you look to see if a CH driver would do the trick?
    I have created an account on their forum and logged on but see no topics at all..

    Could you please explain what you mean by a CH Driver? i tried to see if i could callibrate the yoke via the CH manager but it does not see the PFC yoke..

    What i will try tonight is to keep the CH yoke connected and then connect the PFC as well and see what that may or may not result it.

    Could it perhaps have something to do with my FSUIPC settings? could I mail them to you Pete?


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    Re: Problem with PFC b737 Yoke

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Nielsen View Post
    Wonderful and where do i find that?
    Sorry, no idea. Did you look at the CH site?

    Another possibility, if it is supposed to work okay with default Windows drivers, is that your USB port is broken. Obviously the device is okay as you proved that at the dealer. So, try a different USB port or even a different PC, just to check. If you are using a USB hub, bypass it and plug directly into the PC.

    The rockers are not working properly, in the calluibration i managed to get B 3 to light up but only by simultaneously pressing both of the rockers up, the same for button 4, by simultaneously pressing them both down.. tried to then assign via FSUIPC but there they are not found at all... so as not found i cant assign anything to them..
    But since something is most obviously assigned -- to get your consistent view up -- you need to find it and unassign it. If not in FSUIPC then it must be in FS. There is no way FS is responding to things which aren't assigned.

    Could you please explain what you mean by a CH Driver?
    "A CH driver" means "A driver for a CH joystick". But as I said right at the very beginning, my experience in this area was all with Game Port connected devices. USB devices tend to identify themselves so presumably only get associated with specific drivers automatically. It was only a shot in the dark.

    Could it perhaps have something to do with my FSUIPC settings?
    No, no way. If you can't see the buttons responding correctly in Windows "Game Controllers", and can't assign them as you wish in FS assignments, then FSUIPC has no chance. You are jumping ahead of yourself. Don't bother trying with FSUIPC until you can use it normally. FSUIPC offers additional and switchable assignment facilities, not superior hardware drivers. it just uses the standard Windows interfaces.


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    Re: Problem with PFC b737 Yoke

    But since something is most obviously assigned -- to get your consistent view up -- you need to find it and unassign it. If not in FSUIPC then it must be in FS. There is no way FS is responding to things which aren't assigned.

    Tks Pete,
    I managed to get the callibration to accept VIEW Forward when pressing the rocket switches, but all it results in is that the view starts a constant "round and round tumble", just goes round and round.. the spot view defaults to a DOWN view and is stuck in place.
    I even went so far to delete the (i kept a back up) the entire Fs9 cgf file and still no result.
    I have deleted all key presses for the yoke in the callibration section of FS9, removed all key and button presses in FSUIPC. result still the same..
    With the CH Yoke and PFC Yoke connected at the same time, seems the PFC overrides as the view is as aboe, if i disconnect the PFC yoke the view reverts to normal. i have tried connecting to all the USB slots and nothing..
    Am I loosing it? it feels that way...

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    Re: Problem with PFC b737 Yoke

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Nielsen View Post
    I managed to get the callibration to accept VIEW Forward when pressing the rocket switches, but all it results in is that the view starts a constant "round and round tumble", just goes round and round.. the spot view defaults to a DOWN view and is stuck in place.
    I even went so far to delete the (i kept a back up) the entire Fs9 cgf file and still no result.
    That wouldn't help in any case as Fs simply automatically reassigns. You'd need to disable joysticks in FS completely, OR go through every assignment and delete it explicitly.

    I have deleted all key presses for the yoke in the callibration section of FS9, removed all key and button presses in FSUIPC. result still the same..
    Key presses are totally irrelevant. you have to delete all assignments to buttons in FS! The device will not be making any keypresses, it is pointless deleting any of those assignments.

    Also, if FS ever sees the joystick as "newly connected" (which could be just it waking up after USB power management put it to sleep) it could do its auto-reassignments again. There are ways around this, like editing the DEVICES CFG and DEVICES2 CFG files for your device name -- that's where FS gets the data for the auto-assignments -- but it might be easier, when finding the button assignments responsible, to assign them to some thing else, something more innocuous.

    With the CH Yoke and PFC Yoke connected at the same time, seems the PFC overrides as the view is as aboe, if i disconnect the PFC yoke the view reverts to normal. i have tried connecting to all the USB slots and nothing..
    There are most certainly button or hat (POV) assignments you've not explicitly unassigned. There is no other possible explanation. Test by turning off the joystick (disable in the FS menus).


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    Re: Problem with PFC b737 Yoke


    I have the PFC Jetliner column Yoke too (usb).

    As far as I know, there is no need to install any drivers, as windows detects the yoke and install everything itself. Do not remeber by memory whats the manual says, buts I think its there.

    You says that during instalation no software its installed (wich is normal, only the driver its auto-installed, no aditional software its necessary) but I dont know if you say software when you mean driver.

    One thing that should happends, is this: In very USB devices, its there is a usb-extended-cable (usb male to female attached to the joystic USB cable, or maybe you are using a too large usb cable for your yoke. Thats depend on your motherboard, your powersuply and the quality of the USB cable (try using just the yoke without any other USB device, and try with your shortest cable)

    But all this makes no sense when you say you can calibrate it perfectly. If you can calibrate, your problem is within FS and not with the yoke/installation/driver. As Peter say, look inside FS assignaments and remove all axis and buttons asignations, because FS assigns automaticaly everytime a new joystic is detected.

    One more thing about the trimming buttons. They dont work as individual switches, you need to press both (both nose up, or both nose down) to send the key command to the PC. I think its works this way because its this way that works on the aircraft (but I dont know this, just assume it).

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    Re: Problem with PFC b737 Yoke

    I think im getting there..
    played around with various USB ports, deleted all buttons/key assignments and now at least the view is facing front..

    the problem now is that if i go into FSUIPC and say assign PTT to button 1 the view snaps back to up...

    Lets see, there may be light at the end of this tunnel..

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