yep, it works!
Thanks Thomas


"Thomas Boehme" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> The reason you can't start engines with the PMDG and PMsystems is the
> cut-off
> logic.
> PMsystems sets the fuel cut off whenever the N2 falls below 21%. However,
> during engine start, the PMDG engines shortly drop below 21% N2 causing
> pmsystems to cut off fuel.
> Change the value 21 in the section quoted below to a lower value (I think

> 15
> works, I am not home, so I can't check). After that you can start
> engines!
> relevant section in pmsys737.txt:
> ---
> if pumpsloff or (fs1n2
> fscutoff1 = 0
> else
> ---
> You have to change it for both engines!
> bye,
> Thomas