Results 1 to 2 of 2
  1. #1
    Darren Sugden

    More networked computers or fewer computers?

    At the moment I am running 8 computers (including the computer running FS). I
    am thinking of reducing the number of computers on the network to reduce
    the noise, heat, the time spent getting all the computers runing and simply
    increasing space.

    I am just wondering whether there is a 'sweet spot' in the number of
    computers to run?

    Would the performance be the same,let's say by having just 5 conputers on the
    network, but each running more programmes? By having fewer computers on
    the network, would this speed up communication between the programmes?

    Whereabouts is the trade off?

    I am tentativley thinking of substituting 3 computers for 1 lap top running a
    wireless connection and a number of programmes which at the moment are
    being run by a dedicated computer.


    Darren Sugden

    A320 Builder

  2. #2
    Kester Meijer

    5-6 computers

    Sweet Spot:
    Hard to say where the sweet spot is. My cockpit is at a total of 5-6
    computers there seems no need for more (yet).
    I use two laptops which reduces the heat and the noise significantly.
    For an overview see my computer setup at and click on
    the button PC Setup

    I can run the pm Instructor laptop wireless, but once I dock it to my cockpit
    it is wired. Wireless will work fine. I prefer to have all computers

    Three to one laptop:
    Depends upon all the programs you want to run on this machine (which
    Most laptops can have two screens attached so screen space should not be a
    As you can see in my setup, the FS computer is the most powerful.
    The others have video-boards which can handle OpenGL (never buy a radeon 7000

    Hope this helps some, feel free to ask more questions.

    Kester Meijer - for cockpit builders information - to see my cockpit construction

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