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Thread: fsconv/ phdgets

  1. #1
    75+ Posting Member Mr. Midnight's Avatar
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    Smile fsconv/ phdgets

    hello out there im so close to getting this to work, can anyone outhere tell me how to get fsconv to work with phidgets , i have everything set up but i cant get or know where i go from here, i have fsconv running in the task bar and i have FSP/level d 767 up and running, and i have the phidgets software open what is my next step from here, what do i do with the phidgets interface software at this point, how do i get the phidgets software to reconize.
    step by step would be needed here, well maybe not step by step but a soft push in the right direction would help


  2. #2
    Hi Robert,

    These are the steps I have followed to get it working with FSCONV.

    Install the phidgets.msi from the web site
    Installed FS2Phidgets

    FS2Phidgets should automatically detect any connected Phidget cards.
    I have found the latest version should be run via WideFS on a different machine to MSFS due to performance.

    For LED output , for example:
    Once you are connected, I choose the Flight function, and select the appropriate panel/function from the scroll list (its a bit hard to read).

    Then select the function you need from the dropdown

    I have attached my overhead panel variables files, if you need them.

    LDS767 Variable Files

    then its simple a matter of selecting 'enable' for each output that you want. As the offset changes in MSFS, FSUIPC will convert that into FSCONV offsets which are read by FS2Phidget and the LED will change. (vice versa for inputs, but I dont use phidgets for inputs)

    As there are a lot of outputs, i found it easier to hack up an Excel spread sheet that allowed me to load the LED64 rather than doing it one by one.

    Just be aware also that the current version of FS2Phidget does not fully support FSCONV, as it is limited by the maximum bitmaps for offsets (15, where Nico uses 30)

    Hope this helps

  3. #3
    75+ Posting Member Mr. Midnight's Avatar
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    thanks for the reply, after following your instructions it worked, it was a mile stone for me to get that done, it was great seeing that battery switch work.


  4. #4
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    Re: fsconv/ phdgets

    Hi Mr. Midnight, any news about your cockpit ?

  5. #5
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    Re: fsconv/ phdgets

    Note to self: Increase Bitmap size on latest version.

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